Unlock Your Potential
with Natalie Hormann Coaching
Hi, I'm Natalie.

Since 2016, I offer personalized life coaching services that help people to gain clarity, muster courage, and boost confidence in all aspects of life. Through coaching with me, you can expect guidance and support as you journey towards a happier and more fulfilling future.
What life coaching can help you achieve
- certainty and clarity about what you want to be and do in life and strategies to get you there
- improving your confidence, charisma and communication
- defining and achieving your personal goals in all areas of life, including weight, fitness, romantic relationships
- generating more joy, gratitude and excitement in your life
- ending bad habits including procrastination, distraction and overindulgence
- experiencing more love and passion in your relationship, ending arguing and conflict
- escaping the 'matrix' through self-determined work and independence
If you would like any or all of that,
let's talk.
What to look for in a coach
There's a lot of noise in the coaching world - and a lot of it is about money. It's hard to figure out who to trust, who can really help you.
Coaching is a process of self-discovery, one in which you learn to grow your awareness, responsibility and capability so that you can have more of what you want and create a life you love - on your own terms.
One of the biggest misunderstandings in the coaching world is that your coach should be the 'expert' - expert of what, I wonder? You are the expert of your own life - someone else's experience may not be right for you. So don't look for someone who shares their 'advice' or 'their solution' - look for someone who is trained to help you create, discover and use your own.
Coaching should make you feel empowered and constantly grow your ability to understand more about yourself, make decisions for yourself and take consistent action. This mostly requires the ability to ask really good questions (with a few helpful tools thrown in here and there). Yes, I can take you through processes that will strengthen your resolve, your mindset, that will help you better understand your options or help you overcome what is holding you back - but the outcome, the decision and the solution must always be yours.
You are the hero of your journey. Let me be your guide.
Some more about me

After working as an environmental lawyer in Germany, a move to New Zealand in 2001 saw me change careers first into corporate consulting and then motherhood.
Maintaining my passion for sustainability, I transitioned into community sustainability education and facilitation which I did for many years in various roles.
In 2015 I started training in a number of coaching disciplines and graduated as a Robbins-Madanes certified Strategic Intervention Coach in 2017. Since then, I added certifications in NLP, counseling skills - and probably more by the time you read this.
In 2020 I added to my portfolio by becoming an accredited mediator through Resolution Institute NZ.
So that's the 'official' story... Read the less official one here...
Recent blog posts
Frequently asked questions
Why do I need a coach?
You don't. Nobody does. And everybody does. A coach supports you in getting clear on your goals, your purpose and your strategies to get there. You can figure out what you need to learn or to grow by yourself - or you can work with someone who has spent years figuring that out already. A great coach is like a tour guide in a foreign city - and while you CAN find your way through LA without a map, it's much easier if you have one.
How is coaching different from counseling?
Yes. Counseling is a helping skill that supports you looking back at your experiences and figuring out how they have contributed to where you are today. From there, you might discover new choices. Coaching (mostly) skips the view in the rear vision mirror, because a coach believes there's nothing 'broken' about you - you just need a new focus, create new patterns and more helpful beliefs. Neuroscience has now proven that recounting past events that are challenging increases stress and trauma - and while counseling is starting to adopt some of these new findings - the coaching approach has always been to work to your strengths, not your weaknesses. 'Working through your past' takes a long time (especially if you have a lot of it!) - coaching can get you results a lot more quickly by not dwelling on this step.
I don't feel ready to 'be an inspiration' - I don't even feel ready to get on top of my own life!
I don't either. Most people don't. And most people believe they have to first do, be or achieve x, y or z before they can take action. And for most people, that time never comes. But here's the thing: if you read any autobiography of a person who has made a positive difference in the world - they didn't feel ready either! The difference is - they stopped believing they had to be. There's three good reasons not to wait: 1.) Life is short and precious - and we all have to ask ourselves what we want people at our funeral to say about us 2.) By shifting gears into contribution and impact, you remove all options of continuing to 'just get by'. You commit yourself to growth and progress - and you start BECOMING the person you need to be to get your own life under control. 3.) We are all imperfect human beings - and for most of us, it's our very imperfections that give us our unique edge. What if the very thing you think is stopping you is the thing that will make you most effective?
Is it even possible to be coached online? Don't you need to be face-to-face to create a relationship?
There are things that can only happen face to face, yes. However, coaching as such is not one of them. This is because the tools and skills involved in coaching can be easily translated to an online space. 2020 has also given most of us the gift of familiarity with video call technology, reducing access barriers around the globe. If you have doubt though - why not try it out by booking a free introductory call?
How am I supposed to afford this?
I can't answer that for you. But here is what I would consider: 1) What would be the value in no longer feeling trapped, unfulfilled and like you're in the wrong life'? 2) What would you be willing to give up to make your life one that you can be truly proud of? 3) What is the cost of NOT investing in yourself? - Apart from that, yes, a lot of coaching out there is ridiculously overpriced - and a higher price does NOT necessarily equal better quality. There are a few coaches out there who are setting the standard for coaching and effectiveness - you probably have heard names like Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Rich Litvin (to name some of my favorites) - and yes, they charge premium rates and probably rightfully so. However, most of them also train coaches to deliver results in the same way they do - and these come at much more affordable rates.