The world is waiting for the difference only you can make
Life and impact strategies for change makers
I help individuals and organisations in finding effective ways to grow their impact by harnessing state, skills and strategy
Here's how I can help you

What will bring fulfillment?
If you're feeling worried about the future of your children, frustrated with the status quo and somewhat powerless in the face of overwhelming global problems, it can seem like an unsolvable situation, something you have very little control over - and it can wear you down.
But how would you feel if you actually SAW the difference you are making and the impact you are having grow bigger every day?
You don't need to solve everything - but you need to see measurable PROGRESS.
That's peace of mind.

"The amazing thing about being alive today is that we're all here for a great transformation" (Elisabet Sahtouris)
Saving the world should make you feel amazing, not stressed and hopeless
Seeing the world be a better place because of YOU is the best reason to leap out of bed each day - instead of spending time doing things you know are still contributing to the problem. When you see that you are truly shifting things - in not just in a small way - and gaining support, you create momentum. And you see your impact grow each day.